Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM discusses why engaging health equity requires asking questions of *yourself* (#2)

How do we do Health Equity? Start by asking yourself questions to continuously learn.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why engaging health equity requires you to continuously learn more (#1)

How do we do Health Equity? Start by asking questions to continuously learn.
Edition 33 – Migrant Worker Safety, Occupational Health Equity, and Labor Trafficking

Migrant Worker Safety, Occupational Health Equity, and Labor Trafficking By Jaya Prakash; Inkyu Kim, MD; Timothy B. Erickson, MD, FACEP, FACMT; Hanni Stoklosa, MD, MPH Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Prakash J, Kim I, Erickson T, Stoklosa H. Migrant worker safety, occupational health equity, and labor trafficking. HPHR. […]
Edition 10 – Off the Podium: Why Public Health Concerns for Global Spread of Zika Virus Means That Rio de Janeiro’s 2016 Olympic Games Must Not Proceed

Off the Podium: Why Public Health Concerns for Global Spread of Zika Virus Means That Rio de Janeiro’s 2016 Olympic Games Must Not Proceed Dr. Amir Attaran, DPhil, LLB, MS Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Attaran A. Off the podium: why public health concerns for global spread […]