Edition 82 – Benefits of Audio-Only Telehealth Reimbursement by Medicaid for Rural Pregnant Patients Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

Edition 82 - Benefits of Audio-Only Telehealth Reimbursement by Medicaid for Rural Pregnant Patients Beyond the COVID-19 PandemicEdition 82 - Benefits of Audio-Only Telehealth Reimbursement by Medicaid for Rural Pregnant Patients Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

Benefits of Audio-Only Telehealth Reimbursement by Medicaid for Rural Pregnant Patients Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic By Julia R. Vinagolu-Baur, MBA, MS; Allie Morgan, MD, MPH; & Daisy Goodman, DNP, MPH, CNM Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Vinagolu-Baur J, Morgan A, Goodman D. Benefits of audio-only telehealth reimbursement by Medicaid for rural pregnant patients beyond the COVID-19 […]

Edition 89 – Codifying DEIJ Values in a National Research-informed Training Effort

Edition 89 - Codifying DEIJ Values in a National Research-informed Training Effort

Codifying DEIJ Values in a National Research-informed Training Effort Maranda C. Ward and Sheel Singh Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Ward MC, Singh S. Codifying DEIJ values in a national research-informed training effort. HPHR. 2024;89. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/KKKK4 Edition 89 – Codifying DEIJ Values in a National Research Informed Training Effort Codifying DEIJ values in a National Research-informed […]

Edition 82 – Resource Needs of Caregivers and Parents as Students in University Settings

Edition 82 - Resource Needs of Caregivers and Parents as Students in University Settings

Resource Needs of Caregivers and Parents as Students in University Settings By Dr. Taylor Neher, DrPH, MPH; Edwina French, MPH; Ashlyn Mills, MPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Neher T, French E, Mills A. Resource needs of caregivers and parents as students in university settings . HPHR. 2024. 82. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/DDDD5 Resource Needs of Caregivers and Parents as […]

Edition 85 – Enhancing Youth Impact: The Critical Role of Youth-Adult Partnerships in Effective Youth-Serving Organizations – Insights from a Texas County

Enhancing Youth Impact: The Critical Role of Youth-Adult Partnerships in Effective Youth-Serving Organizations – Insights from a Texas County

Enhancing Youth Impact: The Critical Role of Youth-Adult Partnerships in Effective Youth-Serving Organizations – Insights from a Texas County By Amanda Brosnan, MPAS, MPH, PA-C; Stacey Griner, PhD, MPH, CPH, RDH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Brosnan A, Griner S. Enhancing youth impact: the critical role of youth-adult partnerships in effective youth-serving organizations – insights from […]

Edition 78 – Relationship between employment status and reported depressive disorders among older adults in the United States.

Edition 78 - Relationship between employment status and reported depressive disorders among older adults in the United States.

Relationship between employment status and reported depressive disorders among older adults in the United States By Eunji Choi, MPH, and Carly Levy, DHS, MPH, CPH Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Choi E, Levy C. Relationship between employment status and reported depressive disorders among older adults in the United States. HPHR. 2023;78. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/ZZZ2 Relationship between employment status […]

Edition 89 – Identifying the Factors Influencing Culturally Responsive HIV and PrEP Screening for Racial, Ethnic, Sexual, and Gender-minoritized Patients: A Scoping Review

Edition 89 – Identifying the factors influencing culturally responsive HIV and PrEP screening for racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender-minoritized patients: A scoping review

Identifying the Factors Influencing Culturally Responsive HIV and PrEP Screening for Racial, Ethnic, Sexual, and Gender-Minoritized Patients: A Scoping Review Julia Xavier, Maranda C. Ward, Paige McDonald, Nikhil Kalita, Patrick G. Corr Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Xavier J, Ward MC, McDonald P, Kalita N, Corr P. Identifying the factors influencing culturally responsive HIV and PrEP […]

Edition 85 – Public Health Prevention Recommendations & Pediatric Surgery Trauma Case Fatality Trends by Gender and Age among Pediatric Patients-≤1-9 years old in the United States, 2012-2016

Edition 85 - Public Health Prevention Recommendations & Pediatric Surgery Trauma Case Fatality Trends by Gender and Age among Pediatric Patients-≤1-9 years old in the United States, 2012-2016

Public Health Prevention Recommendations & Pediatric Surgery Trauma Case Fatality Trends by Gender and Age among Pediatric Patients-≤1-9 years old in the United States, 2012-2016 By Elizabeth Jones, MPH, ABD, Jackson State University Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Jones E. Public health prevention recommendations & pediatric surgery trauma case fatality trends by gender and age among […]