Javaid Iqbal discusses “Climate Emergency and its impact on Public Health”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Addressing Climate Emergency and its impact on Public Health in US The goal of every health system is to keep people healthy, and climate change strikes right at the foundation of it. The effects of climate change are catastrophic and instantaneous, with the impact felt across the globe. It is […]
Talking Global Health with Medical Doctor & OneDay Health Founder Nick Laing

In this podcast, Sofia Weiss Goitiandia interviews the wonderful Dr. Nick about his work as a Medical Doctor and Co-Founder of OneDay Health in Northern Uganda.
Javaid Iqbal discusses the role of machine learning in healthcare

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Role of Machine Learning in Healthcare Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have emerged as one of the most important technologies of Industrial Revolution 4.0. The use of AI and ML will transform and disrupt healthcare as large quantities of data will be transformed into insights for improving the diagnosis of […]
Javaid Iqbal discusses how vaccine apartheid hurts global health

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal How Vaccine Apartheid Hurts Global Health The U.S. has vaccinated more than 50% of the population, while Sub-Saharan Africa has only administered eight doses per 1,000 people. Numerous developing countries have criticized the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine as “vaccine apartheid.” Rich countries have brought more vaccines than they need. The European Union could vaccinate its citizens […]
Edition 32 – A Global Neurosurgery Approach to Reducing the Burden of Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma: A Narrative Review

This narrative review highlights the importance of timely neurosurgical interventional after a person suffers from a motor vehicle accident.
Edition 24 – Youth in Global Health: IFMSA at 71st World Health Assembly and Youth PreWHA, 2018

Youth in Global Health: IFMSA at 71st World Health Assembly and Youth PreWHA, 2018 By Ankit Raj Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Raj A. Youth in global health: IFMSA at 71st World Health Assembly and Youth PreWHA, 2018. Harvard Public Health Review. 2019;24 Youth in Global Health: […]