As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 2)

In the second installment of this article series, Sofia and Dalia discuss Female Genital Mutilation and Dalia’s activism towards ending it in her home country of Sudan. Please be aware that these sensitive topics may be distressing for some readers.
Dr. Rofadun Nisa and Javaid Iqbal discusses “Healthcare in Kashmir”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Health Care in Kashmir *All authors contributed equally to this publication (Rofadun Nisa and Javaid Iqbal) The weight of delivering health care during a pandemic is heavy—it is even more so when this is happening in a society suffering from a protracted socio-political conflict for the last seven decades. […]
As seen through Dalia’s eyes: reflections on the world of Global Health from a pioneering Sudanese activist (Part 1)

Sofia Weiss Goitiandia spoke for hours with Global Health scholar and activist Dalia Elhag. In this first article based on their conversation, Dalia talks about the roots of her committed feminism, which is at the heart of her activist work.
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Rise of Racist Machines”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Rise of Racist Machines Machine learning is the application of algorithms and data to make decisions. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are used in nearly every industry. They have already become an indispensable part of our lives. Science fiction has become a reality. MIT is starting a new […]
Edition 12 – Brexit and Health: A Tragedy of Errors

Brexit and Health: A Tragedy of Errors By Martin McKee and Rifat Atun Citation McKee M, Atun R. Brexit and health: a tragedy of errors. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L1 Brexit and Health: A Tragedy of Errors In 2015, a new word entered the English language. This was Brexit, short for “British Exit from the […]
Edition 12 – Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health

Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health By Sumit Agarwal, MD, MPH Citation Agarwal S. Refugee resettlement: an important but neglected part of global health. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L2 Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health Seven days after taking the oath of office and with the stroke […]
Acutely unwell? Science communication in the COVID-19 vaccine case

In this blog, science communication is discussed in the context of vaccine hesitancy, particularly with regards to COVID-19 vaccines. Possible strategies to address this challenge are explored, whilst leaving room for nuance.
Edition 29 – Taiwan Model to COVID-19 Response

Taiwan Model to COVID-19 Response By Catherine Hermoso; Christos Tsagkaris; Elaine May Laguilles; Gladson Vaghela; Donnatella Mastropieri; Jerome Ganzon; Gilbert Bernardino, Jr; Nenita Panaligan; Myra Oruga; Attaullah Ahmadi; Don Eliseo Lucero-Prisno, II Citation Hermoso C, Tsagkaris C, Laguilles E, Vaghela G, Mastropieri D, Ganzon J, Bernardino G, Panaligan N, Oruga M, Ahmadi A, Lucero-Prisno D. Taiwan […]
29 – Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout Connected to Patient Death During the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States

Utilizing Employer Created Social Support Programs to Assist Frontline Nurses to Cope with the Psychological Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Stress and Burnout connected to Patient Death during the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis in the United States By Mitchell A. Kaplan, PhD; Rohan Sumrah, BSN- RN, CCM; Marian Inguanzo, LMSW, ACSW Citation Kaplan M, Sumrah R, Inguanzo M. […]
Javaid Iqbal discusses “Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior”

The i-value By Javaid Iqbal Why Data Are Not Enough To Change Human Behavior Covid cases are rising across the United States due to the transmission of the delta variant. The steepest increases have been in the South, where Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina are dealing with the most extensive outbreaks in the […]