Catherine Tsasis
Catherine Tsasis is co-editor-in-chief of BCPHR.
Catherine Tsasis
Catherine Tsaisis is Deputy Chief of HPHR.
Dr. Adam Eid Ramsey
Dr. Adam Eid Ramsey is Co-Editor-in-Chief of HPHR and CEO of NYC Daily Post.
Dr. Candice Danielle Carpenter
Dr. Candice Carpenter is co-editor-in-chief of BCHR and co-CEO of The Boston Congress of Public Health.
Dr. Circe J. Gray Le Compte
Dr. Circe J. Gray Le Compte has served as editor-in-chief/co-editor-in-chief of BCPHR (formerly HPHR) for 11 years. She is also co-CEO of The Boston Congress of Public Health, publisher of BCPHR.