Edition 30 – Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents

Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents By Dr. Candice Carpenter Citation Carpenter C. Structural colorism: Illuminating the shadow of structural racism and its malcontents. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD15 Structural Colorism: Illuminating the Shadow of Structural Racism and its Malcontents If it was so honorable and glorious to be black, why […]
Edition 30 – Ensuring Equitable Vaccine Distribution for COVID-19 in Wake County, North Carolina

Ensuring Equitable Vaccine Distribution for COVID-19 in Wake County, North Carolina By Paige Bennett, Lauren M. Brown, Lechelle Wilson Wardell, Marina Smelyanskaya Watch a brief overview of their article. Citation Bennett P, Brown L, Wardell L, Smelyanskaya M. Ensuring equitable vaccine distribution for COVID-19 in Wake County, North Carolina. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD16 Ensuring Equitable […]
Edition 31 – Race and Disaster Relief

Race and Disaster Relief By Shannon Chun Citation Chun S. Race and disaster relief. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/EE5 Race and Disaster Relief Introduction Natural disasters represent common, yet often ignored, contributors to wealth inequality. With the ongoing global threat of climate change, floods, wildfires, and hurricanes increasingly have become regular phenomena that inevitably overwhelm local […]
Edition 30 – Why Social Media Giants’ Attempts to Cure the Infodemic May Be Yet Another Detriment to Black Americans in the Fight Against COVID-19

Why Social Media Giants’ Attempts to Cure the Infodemic May Be Yet Another Detriment to Black Americans in the Fight Against COVID-19 By Ronald E. Cox and William Conley Citation Cox R, Conley W. Why social media giants’ attempts to cure the infodemic may be yet another detriment to black americans in the fight against […]
Edition 30 – The War on Drugs & Racial Health Disparities in Incarceration

The War on Drugs & Racial Health Disparities in Incarceration By Kate Orlin, RN, CARN Citation Orlin K. The war on drugs and racial health disparities in incarceration. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD19 The War on Drugs & Racial Health Disparities in Incarceration The current opioid epidemic, without a doubt, highlights a tragic and preventable loss […]
Edition 30 – The Role of Public Health in the Rule of Law: The Cautionary Tale of Title 42 Expulsions

The Role of Public Health in the Rule of Law: The Cautionary Tale of Title 42 Expulsions By Sarah J. Diaz, JD, LLM and Malachy Schrobilgen Citation Diaz S, Schrobilgen M. The role of public health in the rule of law: The cautionary tale of title 42 expulsions.HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD20 The Role of Public […]
Edition 30 – Defunding the Social Production of Ignorance: Addressing Racism in Research begins with Funders

Defunding the Social Production of Ignorance: Addressing Racism in Research Begins with Funders By Griffin Jones Citation Jones G. Defunding the social production of ignorance: Addressing racism in research begins with funders. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD21 Defunding the Social Production of Ignorance: Addressing Racism in Research Begins with Funders Abstract Researchers and funders have increasingly […]
Edition 30 – Hiding in Plain Sight: Public Health, Eugenics, and COVID-19

Hiding in Plain Sight: Public Health, Eugenics, and COVID-19 By Laura I Appleman Citation Appleman L. Hiding in plain sight: public health, eugenics, and COVID-19. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD22 Introduction Far from being a shameful moment of our past, eugenic philosophy is alive and well in the twenty-first century. Nowhere has this been more apparent than […]
Edition 30 – The COVID-19 Pandemic and Addressing Homelessness in Healthcare

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Addressing Homelessness in Healthcare By Daniel Park, Pranay Bonagiri, Nicole Lee Citation Park D, Bonagiri P, Lee N. The COVID-19 pandemic and addressing homelessness in healthcare . HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD23 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Addressing Homelessness in Healthcare Introduction According to the United States Department of Housing & Urban […]
Edition 30 – COVID-19 and the Code: Revisiting the Philippine Experience

COVID-19 and the Code: Revisiting the Philippine Experience By Kenneth Jim Joseph Jimeno Citation Jimeno K. COVID-19 and the code: revisiting the Philippine experience. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD24 COVID-19 and the Code: Revisiting the Philippine Experience The World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) recommended that breastfeeding of infants should be initiated and continued even among mothers […]