Edition 16 – #MeToo: The Perfect Storm Needed to Change Attitudes Toward Sexual Harassment and Violence

Claire Bethel, Former Deputy Director at Department of Health, Croydon, UK, discusses “#MeToo: The Perfect Storm Needed to Change Attitudes Toward Sexual Harassment and Violence.”
Edition 18 – Health Care for India’s 500 Million: The Promise of the National Health Protection Scheme

Dr. Shalendra D. Sharma addresses “Health Care for India’s 500 Million: The Promise of the National Health Protection Scheme.”
Edition 27 – Evaluating the Impact of Remdesivir on Covid-19 Patient Outcomes: An Inpatient County Hospital Analysis

Evaluating the Impact of Remdesivir on Covid-19 Patient Outcomes: An Inpatient County Hospital Analysis By Christina Chopra, Liliana Filipowska, and Dr. Sharon Y. Wang, DO Citation Chopra C, Filipowska L, Wang S. Evaluating the impact of remdesivir on COVID-19 patient outcomes: an inpatient county hospital analysis. HPHR. 2021; 27. DOI:10.54111/0001/aa1 Evaluating the Impact of Remdesivir […]
Edition 31 – Climate Change and Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Case in Sudan

Climate Change and Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Case in Sudan By Dr. Osman Kamal Osman Elmahi, Fatima Elbasri Abuelgasim Mohammed Yagoub, Hassan Khalafallah Hassan Mohammed, Mohammed Yasir Essar, and Shoaib Ahmad Citation Elmahi O, Yagoub F, Mohammed H, Essar M, Ahmad S. Climate change and neglected tropical diseases: the case in Sudan. HPHR. 2021; 31. […]
Edition 30 – Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward

Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward By Lindsay Kephart Citation Kephart L. Structural racism as a determinant of Black mental health: looking back to move forward. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD11 Structural Racism as a Determinant of Black Mental Health: Looking Back to Move Forward Black individuals in […]
Edition 28 – Weight-Stigma: A Barrier Likely to Persist in Future Physicians and What We Can Do to Intervene

Weight-Stigma: A Barrier Likely to Persist in Future Physicians and What We Can Do to Intervene By Erin E. Walton-Ball and Michael D. Vered Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Walton-Ball E and Vered M. Weight-stigma: a barrier likely to persist in future physicians and what we can […]
Edition 27 – Identification of “Hot Spots” of COVID-19 in the United States (January 2020-January 2021)

Identification of “Hot Spots” of COVID-19 in the United States (January 2020-January 2021) By Jessica Liu, MPH, SV Subramanian, PhD, Alan C Geller, MPH, RN Citation Liu J, Subramanian S, Geller A. Identification of “hot spots” of COVID-19 in the United States (January 2020-January 2021). Harvard Public Health Review. 2021; 27. DOI:10.54111/0001/aa2 Identification of “Hot […]
Edition 30 – Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential Segregation

Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential Segregation By Veronica L. Handunge Citation Handunge V. Purpose built communities to promote health equity and address the impacts of racialized residential segregation. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD12 Purpose Built Communities to Promote Health Equity and Address the Impacts of Racialized Residential […]
Edition 31 – Part II: Vaccine Hesitancy and Misinformation

Health misinformation has far reaching and potentially damaging impacts on behavior, including vaccine hesitancy.
Edition 30 – Community Health Assessment of Muslim Women at an East Harlem Islamic Center

Community Health Assessment of Muslim Women at an East Harlem Islamic Center By Farhana Begum, Brittany Dodson, MSPH, and Anitha Srinivasan, MD MPH Citation Begum F, Dodson B, Srinivasan A. Community health assessment of Muslim women at an East Harlem Islamic Center. HPHR. 2021; 30. DOI:10.54111/0001/DD13 Community Health Assessment of Muslim Women at an East […]