Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explores community-building as central teaching practice, and crucial to engaging health equity (#5)

What can you do to build community in your classroom (or organizational setting)?
Stuti Chakraborty discusses the insidious onset of stroke: can your job kill?

Stroke Reimagined By Stuti Chakraborty Insidious Onset of Cerebrovascular Disease: Is your job killing you? Recent Developments On 17th May 2021 the World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Labour Organisation (ILO) published the Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury, of ischemic heart disease and stroke, attributable to long working hours from […]
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why health literacy is health equity (#4)

Let’s stop focusing on system users (e.g. patients, families, students) as the problem and start focusing on the ways we can create a usable system.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why engaging health equity requires you to be a constant student (#3)

How do we do Health Equity? Be a constant student.
Stuti Chakraborty discusses the way forward for Stroke in Low-and Low-and-Middle-Income Countries

Stroke Reimagined By Stuti Chakraborty A mobile stroke unit in India Stroke and Low-and Low-and-Middle-Income Countries: The Way Forward The World Bank, for the current fiscal year of 2022, defines low-income economies as those with a GNI (Gross National Income) per capita of $1,045 or less in 2020 and lower middle-income economies as those with […]
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM discusses why engaging health equity requires asking questions of *yourself* (#2)

How do we do Health Equity? Start by asking yourself questions to continuously learn.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why engaging health equity requires you to continuously learn more (#1)

How do we do Health Equity? Start by asking questions to continuously learn.
Edition 29 – Disability, Depression, and Dogs During COVID-19: Is There a Relationship?

Disability, Depression, and Dogs During Covid-19: Is There a Relationship? By Liza D. Molina, ScD, MPH Citation Molina L. Disability, depression, and dogs during COVID-19: is there a relationship?. HPHR. 2021; 29. DOI:10.54111/0001/cc6 Disability, Depression, and Dogs During Covid-19: Is There a Relationship? Introduction Human-dog interaction has long been recognized for its therapeutic value. Studies […]
A Full Stop to Your Brain’s Activity? Stuti Chakraborty explains why you should BE AWARE of stroke

This introductory blog post from Stuti Chakraborty talks about what is stroke, how to spot one, and stroke awareness month. Stay tuned for more to come!