Improving Registries for Better Healthcare Services and Outcomes for Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes, 2022
This consensus paper outlines a renewed global surgery strategy to expand surgical healthcare in LMICs, given recent trends, research and empiricism in surgical healthcare and global health systems.
Edition 66 – Vitamin D and Mirror Pop-ups as Prophylaxis Against the Overuse of Amputation in Black Americans with Diabetic Foot Injury
Vitamin D and Mirror Pop-ups as Prophylaxis Against the Overuse of Amputation in Black Americans with Diabetic Foot Injury By Sarvani Ramcharran Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Ramcharran S. Vitamin D and mirror pop-ups as prophylaxis against the overuse of amputation in black americans with diabetic foot injury. HPHR. 2022;66. 10.54111/0001/NNN3 Vitamin D and Mirror Pop-ups […]
Edition 41 – Diabetes Intervention: A Study of the Effectiveness of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System and Health Coaching on Type 2 Diabetes Management
Diabetes Intervention: A Study of the Effectiveness of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System and Health Coaching on Type 2 Diabetes Management By Chasity Collins-Barnes, Dr. Baris Kopruluoglu, Gisela Guerrero, Rev. Laura M. Todd, Jacob Bell, Butch Odom, Dr. Fedoria Rugless Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Collins-Barnes C, Kopruluoglu B, Guerrero G, Todd L, Bell J, […]
Dr. Ananya Awasthi discusses why do need a campaign for soda tax to improve public health
The blog discusses the public health and economic implications of drinking sugar sweetened beverages, and how Mexico successfully implemented a soda tax regime, thus setting a policy example for the rest of the world battling with non-communicable diseases.
Edition 15 – What Are We Willing to Pay to Be Unhealthy?: A Markov Model for Diabetes Prevention
What Are We Willing to Pay to Be Unhealthy?: A Markov Model for Diabetes Prevention By Justin Whetten Citation Whetten J. What are we willing to pay to be unhealthy?: a Markov model for diabetes prevention. Harvard Public Health Review. Fall 2018;15. DOI:10.54111/0001/O4 What Are We Willing to Pay to Be Unhealthy?: A Markov Model for Diabetes […]
Edition 15 – Dear Medicine: Diabetes Prevention Is Not Your Battle to Fight
Dear Medicine: Diabetes Prevention Is Not Your Battle to Fight By Braulio Torres and Elena Rose Atkinson Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Torres B, Atkinson E. Dear medicine: diabetes prevention is not your battle to fight. Harvard Public Health Review. Fall 2018;15. DOI:10.54111/0001/O5 Dear Medicine: Diabetes Prevention Is […]
29 – Medication Prescribed Diabetes Mellitus amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greece: Data and Challenges on Hand
Medication Prescribed Diabetes Mellitus amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greece: Data and Challenges Along the Way By Christos Tsagkaris, Nikolaos Sevdalis, Ergina Syrigou, Alexandros Kamaratos Citation Tsagkaris C, Sevdalis N, Syrigou E, Kamaratos A. Medication prescribed diabetes mellitus amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece: data and challenges along the way. HPHR. 2021; 29. DOI:10.54111/0001/cc14 Medication Prescribed Diabetes […]