Edition 49 – The Broken Promises of the Lesbian Utopia: Woman to Woman Intimate Partner Abuse

The Broken Promises of the Lesbian Utopia: Woman to Woman Intimate Partner Abuse By Mary Martin, BSW Alesha Kotian, BS Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Martin M, Kotian A. The broken promisees of the lesbian utopia: woman to woman intimate partner abuse. HPHR. 2023;49. 10.54111/0001/XX1 The Broken Promises of the Lesbian Utopia: Woman to Woman Intimate […]
Edition 39 – WhatsApp, COVID-19 related misinformation in Africa and the need for continuous infoveillance

WhatsApp, COVID-19 Related Misinformation in Africa and the Need for Continuous Infoveillance By Chidindu C. Mmadu-Okoli, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria Dr. Ifeanyi M. Nsofor, EpiAfric, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Mmadu-Okoli C, Nsofor Ifeanyi. WhatsApp, COVID-19 related misinformation in Africa and the need for continuous infoveillance. HPHR. 2021;39. 10.54111/0001/MM8 […]
Edition 37 – A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here)

A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here) By Louis Lin, Dominique G. Ruggieri Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Lin L, Ruggieri D. A Framework for public health crisis: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and […]
Edition 48 – Lessons learned from LMICs (low and middle income countries): COVID-19 health education and community outreach best practices for Gaza

Lessons Learned From LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries): COVID-19 Health Education and Community Outreach Best Practices for Gaza By Ponn P. Mahayosnand, MPH, Samiha Ahmed, BS, ZM Sabra Facebook Twitter LinkedIn PDF Download Edition 48 – Lessons Learned From LMICs (low And Middle Income Countries) COVID 19 Health Education And Community Outreach Best Practices […]
Edition 68 – Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our Everyday Lives

Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our Everyday Lives By Dr. Natasha Roya Matthews, MBBS, MPH, BSc (Hons), AFFMLM, and Dr. Candice Carpenter, MD, MBA, MPH, EdM Citation Matthews N, Carpenter C. How a historical practice continues to effect our everyday lives. HPHR. 2022;68. Colonialism: How a Historical Practice Continues to Effect our […]
Edition 62 – Mental Health Helplines in India During COVID-19: A Population-Based Survey to Determine the Afficacy and Accessibility Among Indian Youth

Mental Health Helplines in India During COVID-19: A Population-Based Survey to Determine the Efficacy and Accessibility Among Indian Youth By Deena Mariyam, Srihari Govind, Katyayani Goswami, Komal Kapoor, Stuti Chakraborty Citation Mariyam D, Govind S, Goswami K, Kapoor K, Chakraborty S. Mental Health Helplines in India during COVID-19: a population-based survey to determine the efficacy […]
Edition 62 – The Impact of Exercise on Organizational Empathy

The Impact of Exercise on Organizational Empathy By James D. Davis, Ed.M., MA Citation Davis J. The impact of exercise on Organizational Empathy.HPHR. 2022;62. 10.54111/0001/JJJ4 The Impact of Exercise on Organizational Empathy Abstract Countless strategies in the broader field of social emotional learning have been shown to benefit individuals and organizations alike. Capacities like empathy […]
Edition 53 – Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the U.S.

Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the US By Nakisa Barzani Sadeghi, MPH Citation Sadeghi N. Islamophobia as a structural determinant of mental health among Muslims in the US. HPHR. 2021;53.10.54111/0001/AAA8 Islamophobia as a Structural Determinant of Mental Health among Muslims in the US Abstract Islamophobia is highly prevalent and […]
Edition 62 – A Patient’s Perceived Effect of the “No Visitor Policy” Implemented During COVID on Their Overall Mental and Physical Health: A Retrospective, Observational Study

A Patient’s Perceived Effect of the “No Visitor Policy” Implemented During COVID on Their Overall Mental and Physical Health: A Retrospective, Observational Study By Eman Al Haddad, Brent Hill, Kristina Grant, Sabrina Henri, Hugh Giffords, Dr. Melchor L Bareng, Ph.D. Citation Haddad E, Hill B, Grant K, Henri S, Giffords H, Bareng M. A patient’s […]
Edition 62 – COVID-19 In Italy: Jeopardizing The Political Landscape and Public Health

COVID-19 in Italy: Jeopardizing the Political Landscape and Public Health By Benjamin D. Fort Citation Fort B. COVID-19 in Italy: jeopardizing the political landscape and public health. HPHR. 2022;62. 10.54111/0001/JJJ2 COVID-19 in Italy: Jeopardizing the Political Landscape and Public Health Abstract Objective To further analyze the implications the COVID-19 pandemic has on Italy’s […]