Edition 26 – Fairness and Equality During Coronavirus

People are currently living in a world of uncertainty. Within a matter of weeks, the life that everyone knew has been taken from them.
27 – COVID-19 as a Catalyst: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Can Increase Accessibility in the U.S. Healthcare System

COVID-19 as a Catalyst: How the Coronavirus Pandemic can Increase Accessibility in the US Healthcare System By Amrita Krishnan Citation Krishnan A. COVID-19 as a catalyst: the coronavirus pandemic can increase accessibility in the U.S. healthcare system. HPHR. 2021; 27. DOI:10.54111/0001/aa12 COVID-19 as a Catalyst: How the Coronavirus Pandemic can Increase Accessibility in the U.S. Healthcare […]
Edition 28 – Fomite Transmission Among Respiratory Viruses and the Importance of Low-level Surface Disinfection

Fomite Transmission Among Respiratory Viruses and the Importance of Low-level Surface Disinfection By Timothy L. Wiemken Citation Wiemken, TL. Fomite transmission among respiratory viruses and the importance of low-level surface disinfection. HPHR. 2021; 28. Fomite transmission among respiratory viruses and the importance of low-level surface disinfection Abstract Background Many different respiratory viruses cause substantial morbidity […]
Edition 31 – Insidious Vectors of Disease: Legacies of Conspiracy, Misinformation, Distrust in the Propagation of Infectious Disease. An Examination of Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and COVID-19

Conspiracies surrounding pandemics have existed for centuries, if not millennia
Edition 33 – A Small Allocation of the COVID-19 Vaccine Yields Critical Benefits to One-Third of Americans: Prioritize School Staff and Childcare Workers

In this inaugural edition dedication to COVID-19, HPHR’s authors examine emerging matters of public policy, equity, and medical practice around the pandemic.