Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explores community-building as central teaching practice, and crucial to engaging health equity (#5)

What can you do to build community in your classroom (or organizational setting)?
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why health literacy is health equity (#4)

Let’s stop focusing on system users (e.g. patients, families, students) as the problem and start focusing on the ways we can create a usable system.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why engaging health equity requires you to be a constant student (#3)

How do we do Health Equity? Be a constant student.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM discusses why engaging health equity requires asking questions of *yourself* (#2)

How do we do Health Equity? Start by asking yourself questions to continuously learn.
Lindsay Rosenfeld, ScD, ScM explains why engaging health equity requires you to continuously learn more (#1)

How do we do Health Equity? Start by asking questions to continuously learn.
Edition 29 – Disability, Depression, and Dogs During COVID-19: Is There a Relationship?

Disability, Depression, and Dogs During Covid-19: Is There a Relationship? By Liza D. Molina, ScD, MPH Citation Molina L. Disability, depression, and dogs during COVID-19: is there a relationship?. HPHR. 2021; 29. DOI:10.54111/0001/cc6 Disability, Depression, and Dogs During Covid-19: Is There a Relationship? Introduction Human-dog interaction has long been recognized for its therapeutic value. Studies […]
Edition 29 – Community-level Factors Associated with COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality in Queens, New York City

Community-level Factors Associated with COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality in Queens, New York City By Harlem Gunness Citation Gunness H. Communty-level factors associated with COVID-19 morbidity and mortality in Queens, New York City. HPHR. 2021; 29. DOI:10.54111/0001/cc7 Community-level Factors Associated with COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality in Queens, New York City Abstract The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) […]