Edition 50 – Colliding Epidemics: Treating Hepatitis C in Addiction Medicine and Primary Care through a Telehealth Model: A Curriculum

Edition 50 – Colliding Epidemics: Treating Hepatitis C in Addiction Medicine and Primary Care through a Telehealth Model: A Curriculum

Treating Hepatitis C in Addiction Medicine and Primary Care through a Telehealth model; a Curriculum By Michelle Melchiorre, DMSc, MPH, MS, AAHIVS, PA-C, and Zachary I Merhavy, MSc Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Melchiorre M, Merhavy Z. Treating Hepatitis C in medicine and primary care through a telehealth model; a curriculum. HPHR. 2022;50. 10.54111/0001/WW2 Treating Hepatitis […]

Edition 48 – The Unprecedented Complexity of Malnutrition, COVID-19, and Orofacial Cleft Care in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: An Opportunity for Change

Edition 48 – The Unprecedented Complexity of Malnutrition, COVID-19, and Orofacial Cleft Care in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: An Opportunity for Change

The Unprecedented Complexity of Malnutrition, COVID-19, and Orofacial Cleft Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Opportunity for Change By Dr. Allyn Auslander PhD, MPH, Charlotte Steppling MA Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Auslander A, Steppling C. The unprecedented complexity of malnutrition, COVID-19, and orofacial cleft care in low- and middle-income countries: An opportunity for change. […]

Edition 48 – Serving Rural Communities Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adaptations of a Student Driven Telehealth Model

Serving Rural Communities Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adaptations of a Student Driven Telehealth Model

Serving Rural Communities Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adaptations of a Student Driven Telehealth Model By Matthew Goff, Lily Greene, Adina Harri Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Goff M, Greene L, Harri A. Serving rural communities experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic: adaptations of a student […]

Edition 7 – Improving Communities, Improving Health

Edition 7 – Improving Communities, Improving Health

Improving Communities, Improving Health By Jeffrey Sanchez Citation Sanchez J. Improving communities, improving health. Harvard Public Health Review. Summer 2015;7. Improving Communities, Improving Health When we talk about health care, we are often referring to hospitals or other acute facilities, imagining women and men in scrubs, long waits in emergency rooms, that distinctive smell of disinfectant. […]

Edition 30 – ‘We Are Only as Safe as Our Most Vulnerable Citizens’: Healthcare Systems’ Role in Reducing Exacerbating Social and Economic Inequities Before, During, and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

Edition 30 - ‘We Are Only as Safe as Our Most Vulnerable Citizens’: Healthcare Systems’ Role in Reducing Exacerbating Social and Economic Inequities Before, During, and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

‘We Are Only as Safe as Our Most Vulnerable Citizens’: Healthcare Systems’ Role in Reducing Exacerbating Social and Economic Inequities Before, During, and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic By Latisha D. Thompson, Michelle Munyikwa, Jaya Aysola ​ Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Thompson L, Munyikwa M, Aysola J. […]