Claire Bunn Reflects on Stories in Public Health

The past few months have underscored the importance of staying curious in all my endeavors.
Claire Bunn Discusses Research’s Role in Achieving Health Equity with Dr. Mary Wesley

“I think it’s really important that you’re involving people and asking the right questions, which isn’t just: “What’s going on,” but “Why is it going on?””
Claire Bunn Examines Health Disparities with Dr. Mary Wesley

“With COVID, there has been an understanding of the importance of public health and what’s going on. There’s been an energizing advocacy of people demanding change.”
Claire Bunn’s Recommended Reading

These are just a few of my thought-provoking favorites from the past year detailing public health, life in the South, and people working to make positive change in the region.
Claire Bunn Investigates The History of Community Health Centers

Today, CHCs are responsible for serving as the primary source of care for over 28 million patients in over 13,000 communities all across the nation. Yet these widespread facilities originated in the Mississippi Delta as an innovative solution to the health disparities plaguing the region.
Claire Bunn Explores Understanding and Responding to Community Needs with Dr. John J. Green

“There’s a lot more diversity in these places than I think people from the outside understand.”
Claire Bunn Explores Connections Between Sociology and Public Health with Dr. John J. Green

“Exploring those issues and how people have responded and what actions and strategies they’ve taken can be very illuminating, not just for the Delta, but for the country as a whole.”
Claire Bunn Discusses A Word on Statistics and Public Health in the American South

Public health encompasses more than statistics; it is the lived experiences of individuals, families, and communities.