Naina Qayyum Discusses Child Feeding Practices (Part 2)

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, reflects on insights from her conversation with parents on child feeding experiences and challenges. It is part 2 of 2 in the series ‘Those Who Feed Us’.
Naina Qayyum Discusses Child Feeding Practices (Part 1)

In this piece Naina Qayyum, shares her experience of interacting with parents to learn about their child feeding practices. Part 1 is a vlog.
Naina Qayyum Discusses Adolescent Nutrition

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, advocates for the need to make nutrition policies adolescent-friendly.
Naina Qayyum Discusses Food Systems and Women’s Health

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, draws the connection between our food systems and women’s health.
Naina Qayyum Discusses the Evils of Food Marketing

In this blog, Naina Qayyum, highlights how food marketing encourages unhealthy food consumption.
Edition 22 – Is Advertising a Social Determinant of Health—You Bet!

Is Advertising a Social Determinant of Health—You Bet! By Shantel Herbert-Magee Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Herbert-Magee S. Is advertising a social determinant of health—you bet! Harvard Public Health Review. 2019;22. DOI:10.54111/0001/V6 Is Advertising a Social Determinant of Health—You Bet! As a 1980s child growing up in a […]