Edition 48 – Lessons learned from LMICs (low and middle income countries): COVID-19 health education and community outreach best practices for Gaza

Lessons Learned From LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries): COVID-19 Health Education and Community Outreach Best Practices for Gaza By Ponn P. Mahayosnand, MPH, Samiha Ahmed, BS, ZM Sabra Facebook Twitter LinkedIn PDF Download Edition 48 – Lessons Learned From LMICs (low And Middle Income Countries) COVID 19 Health Education And Community Outreach Best Practices […]
Edition 48 – The Unprecedented Complexity of Malnutrition, COVID-19, and Orofacial Cleft Care in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: An Opportunity for Change

The Unprecedented Complexity of Malnutrition, COVID-19, and Orofacial Cleft Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Opportunity for Change By Dr. Allyn Auslander PhD, MPH, Charlotte Steppling MA Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Auslander A, Steppling C. The unprecedented complexity of malnutrition, COVID-19, and orofacial cleft care in low- and middle-income countries: An opportunity for change. […]
Edition 48 – Serving Rural Communities Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adaptations of a Student Driven Telehealth Model

Serving Rural Communities Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adaptations of a Student Driven Telehealth Model By Matthew Goff, Lily Greene, Adina Harri Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Goff M, Greene L, Harri A. Serving rural communities experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic: adaptations of a student […]
Edition 48 – COVID-19 and Suicide – Why Our Messaging Matters

COVID-19 and Suicide – Why Our Messaging Matters By Maureen Iselin, Kristen Quinlan PhD, Colleen Carr MPH Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Iselin M, Quinlan K, Carr C. COVID-19 and suicide – why our messaging matters. HPHR. 2021;48. DOI:10.54111/0001/VV15 COVID-19 and Suicide – Why Our Messaging Matters Abstract […]
Edition 48 – Adherence to Lockdown and Social-Distancing Policies Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: A Behavioral and Socio-Economic Perspective from India

Adherence to Lockdown and Social-Distancing Policies Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: A Behavioral and Socio-Economic Perspective from India By Mohammad Abdullah Sarkar BA and Ahmad Ozair MBBS Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Sarkar M, Ozair A. Adherence to lockdown and social-distancing policies amidst COVID-19 pandemic: a behavioral and socio-economic perspective from India. HPHR. 2021;48. 10.54111/0001/vv16. Download PDF. Adherence […]
Edition 48 – An Opportunity for Cross-jurisdictional Learning: COVID Response Virtual Learning Cafe

An Opportunity for Cross-jurisdictional Learning: COVID Response Virtual Learning Cafes By Anne Siegler, DrPH and Hanna Tessema, DrPH(c), MPH, MSW Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Siegler A, Tessema H. An opportunity for cross-jurisdictional learning: COVID response virtual learning cafes. HPHR. 2021;48.10.54111/0001/VV14 An Opportunity for Cross-jurisdictional Learning: COVID Response Virtual Learning Cafes Abstract As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, over […]
Edition 48 –Changes in Income and Household Spending During Early Months of COVID-19 Pandemic Reveal Racial and Ethnic Disparities Among Older Adults

Changes in Income and Household Spending During Early Months of COVID-19 Pandemic Reveal Racial and Ethnic Disparities Among Older Adults By Melissa R. Holloway BS, Dr. Xueya Cai PhD, Dr. Adam Simning MD, Zijing Cheng MS, Dr. Yue Li PhD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Holloway M. Cai X. Simning A. Cheng Z. Li Y. Changes […]
Edition 48 –Tackling COVID-19 in Resource-constrained Settings: Experiences from India and Vietnam

Tackling COVID-19 in Resource-Constrained Settings: Experiences From India and Vietnam By Linh Vu Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Vu L. Tackiling COVID-19 in resource-constrained settings:experiences from India and Vietnam. HPHR. 2021;48. 10.54111/0001/VV12 Tackling COVID-19 in Resource-Constrained Settings: Experiences from India and Vietnam Abstract SARS-CoV-2 is a novel strain of the large family of respiratory coronaviruses. It […]
Edition 48 – The Importance of Telemedicine in Brazil During the COVID-19 Outbreak

The Importance of Telemedicine in Brazil During the COVID-19 Outbreak By Rafael Knack MD, Taliê Hanada MS, Kamilla Mayr MS, Renata Knack SD/ScD, Samy Dana PhD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Citation Knack R, Hanada T, Mayr K, Knack R, Dana S. The importance of telemedicine in Brazil during the Covid-19 outbreak. HPHR. 2021;48. 10.54111/0001/VV11 The Importance […]
Edition 48 – Muslim-majority countries have fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths: A cross-country analysis of 165 country during the 3 global peak dates in 2020

Muslim-majority Countries Have Fewer COVID-19 Cases and Deaths: A Cross-country Analysis of 165 Countries During the 3 Global Peak Dates in 2020-2021 Ponn P. Mahayosnand MPH, Gloria Gheno PhD, ZM Sabra, DM Sabra Facebook Twitter LinkedIn PDF Download Edition 48 – Muslim Majority Countries Have Fewer COVID 19 Cases And Deaths A Cross Country Analysis […]