Edition 12 – Brexit and Health: A Tragedy of Errors

Edition 12 – Brexit and Health: A Tragedy of Errors

Brexit and Health: A Tragedy of Errors By Martin McKee and Rifat Atun Citation McKee M, Atun R. Brexit and health: a tragedy of errors. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L1 Brexit and Health: A Tragedy of Errors In 2015, a new word entered the English language. This was Brexit, short for “British Exit from the […]

Edition 12 – Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health

Edition 12 – Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health

Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health By Sumit Agarwal, MD, MPH Citation Agarwal S. Refugee resettlement: an important but neglected part of global health. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L2 Refugee Resettlement: An Important but Neglected Part of Global Health Seven days after taking the oath of office and with the stroke […]

Edition 12 – Odds, Arcs, and Policy Change: A Step-by-Step Look at a Public Health Campaign Taking on the Dietary Supplements Industry

Edition 12 – Odds, Arcs, and Policy Change: A Step-by-Step Look at a Public Health Campaign Taking on the Dietary Supplements Industry

Odds, Arcs, and Policy Change: A Step-by-Step Look at a Public Health Campaign Taking on the Dietary Supplements Industry By S. Bryn Austin, ScD Citation Austin S. Odds, arcs & policy change: a look at a public health campaign taking on the dietary supplements industry. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L3 Odds, Arcs, and Policy Change: […]

Edition 12 – Protecting the Public Health of Indian Tribes: the Indian Child Welfare Act

Edition 12 – Protecting the Public Health of Indian Tribes: the Indian Child Welfare Act

Protecting the Public Health of Indian Tribes: the Indian Child Welfare Act By Joaquin R. Gallegos and Kathryn E. Fort Citation Gallegos J, Fort K. Protecting the public health of Indian tribes: the Indian Child Welfare Act. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L4 For thousands of years, Indian tribal governments developed the community environments that created […]

Edition 12 – Addressing HIV/AIDS within a New Administration

Edition 12 – Addressing HIV/AIDS within a New Administration

Addressing HIV/AIDS within a New Administration By Ulysses Burley III, MD Citation Burley III, U. Addressing HIV/AIDS within a New Administration. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L5 Addressing HIV/AIDS within a New Administration Since the CDC published a report of five cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) in previously healthy men in Los Angeles in the early 80’s, the United States […]

Edition 12 – Reimagining Community Resilience with Health in All Policies

Edition 12 – Reimagining Community Resilience with Health in All Policies

Reimagining Community Resilience with Health in All Policies By Madeline Morcelle, JD, MPH Citation Morcelle M. Reimagining community resilience with Health in All Policies. Harvard Public Health Review. Winter 2017-2018;12. DOI:10.54111/0001/L6 Reimagining Community Resilience with Health in All Policies Why do some communities swiftly rise from the ashes of adversity while others do not? Resilience refers to […]

Edition 12 – Public Policy

Edition 12 – Public Policy

This edition of the Harvard Public Health Review addresses how sound public policy can bolster public health initiatives.