Indexing Requirements

Indexing Requirements

Journal policies on authorship and contributorship

HPHR identifies authorship at the beginning of each published piece and contributorship or acknowledgements within a statement at the end of each piece as appropriate. 


Authors – may be identified as those who have made substantial contribution to the work (which may include all or some of the following: conception of ideas, collection or interpretation of data, and drafting/revision) and are accountable (including in accuracy and integrity) for the work as a whole.


Corresponding Author – It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to submit manuscripts on Scholastica, our editorial platform. The corresponding author will also act as a contact with HPHR during the review and editorial process and will be ultimately responsible to ensure that journal guidelines are met.


Author Name Change – Requests regarding a changed/updated author name may be sent via Scholastica and unless requested, will not include a notice of correction upon the manuscript.


Please note: Any addition or removal of authors must be approved by all authors and include a written and signed statement ascertaining the change sent via Scholastica.


Contributors – may include non-author contributors or collaborators. Contributors are identified as participants who have provided material or intellectual contribution to a piece such as individuals who have advised on process, been involved in data collection, or contributed their expertise. All listed contributors/collaborators must be aware of and have provided permission of their inclusion within the submission. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure this has been done prior to submission. 


An acknowledgement section will be provided at the end of each manuscript as needed.  

Complaints and appeals

Feedback & Complaints

Feedback or complaints regarding content or procedure may be sent to [email protected] and will be addressed by an appropriate member of our staff. We aim for complaints to be acknowledged and responded to within two weeks of receipt.

Appeal Process

All appeals will be processed by HPHR’s editorial board and will only be considered if three criteria are met: i) the appeal must be received within 30 days of an official decision; ii) the author addresses all reviewer comments; iii) the author provides a rationale indicating why they think the decision is erroneous. Appeals will then be reviewed by at least two editors that were not involved in the original review process of the manuscript and a final decision will be made.

Conflicts of interest / Competing interests

Authors must disclose any existing conflict of interest or relevant partnerships related to their submission. By submitting to HPHR, authors declare they do not have personal, commercial, academic, or financial interests that influence the research and opinions represented in the work submitted.


Please note: submissions to the Journal must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Data Sharing and Reproducibility

HPHR asks that a data availability statement be provided for all applicable publications to promote research transparency and replicability. This statement should include the conditions under which data reuse is permitted, the name and contact details of applicable data repositories, and any other pertinent information.


Please include the following information in regards to:


Open Access Data Repositories – type of data used, repository name, contact details/URL, conditions of reuse.


Data Available By Request – type of data used, type of data available, public contact details, conditions of reuse, process to obtain a data licence (if necessary). 

Ethical Oversight

Before a manuscript is accepted for publication, if applicable, authors must confirm that ethical requirements and standards have been met. As such, authors must provide proof of ethical approval to the Journal.

Intellectual Property

Authors will retain the copyright to their publications and will receive credit for their published pieces. Authors are required to secure the rights necessary to reproduce previously published images, tables, charts, and figures. They must also ensure that the aforementioned are appropriately credited. If authors wish to include photographs of individuals within their submission, HPHR will require copies of all consent paperwork.

Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections

HPHR is committed to academic accuracy and will ensure that errors identified in published pieces be corrected as soon as possible. Published submissions requiring correction will be updated on their original webpage and a correction notice will be added to the page. In an effort to promote clarity and discourse, HPHR allows for post-publication discussions to be submitted in the form of a letter to the editor or commentaries. If you are interested in beginning a post-publication discussion, please contact: [email protected].


In accordance with COPE guidelines, critiques will only be considered for publication if claims are supported by evidence, they solely address the content of published manuscripts, and do not contain defamatory or libellous content. Manuscript authors will be afforded the option to respond to critiques. 


In the case that a retraction of a published manuscript is necessary, HPHR will remove the online manuscript and issue a notice and explanation of retraction in its place.  

Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct

Allegations and suspicion of research misconduct will be reviewed and investigated by the Journal as appropriate. Misconduct may include plagiarism, misrepresentation, manipulation of citations/inappropriately credited information, unethical research practices, falsification, or fabrication of data. All investigations will be transparently conducted while respecting and maintaining confidentiality. Concerns regarding research misconduct may be addressed to [email protected]


HPHR’s Research Misconduct Processes: 

  • Three members of HPHR’s advisory board will investigate the allegation and comprise the advisory board committee. 
  • Further information may be requested of the complainant and if warranted, a notice of investigation regarding the allegations will be sent to both parties. 
  • At this stage, authors will be afforded the chance to respond to allegations and an objective investigation will ensue. 
  • The advisory board committee will also set a deadline by which all evidence or information must be submitted by both parties. A decision will be made thereafter by the advisory board committee.  

Copyright Policy

Authors will retain copyright for their work and will receive credit for their published pieces. HPHR Journal will receive the license for right of first publication. 


Articles from the Journal may be used for non-commercial purposes without the permission of HPHR Journal conditional upon the inclusion of a full reference to the original article and webpage. Commercial users will require permission from HPHR prior to any article reuse. To do so, please contact: [email protected].

Author Fees

HPHR charges a $25 reading fee and a processing fee ($250 for publication during non-expedite campaign periods and $400 during expedite campaign periods) to cover the cost of our publication portal and website. We are committed to ensuring that accepted pieces reach our audience and are willing to offer support on a case-by-case basis.

Article Viewing

HPHR believes in promoting knowledge dissemination and cultivating discussion. We are an open-access journal with no fees or associated subscriptions required to access content. To help maximize the impact of our content, HPHR is indexed by: JSTOR.