WEBINAR: Sonic Solutions: Addressing Chronic Pain and Stress Through Bioacoustics

Featuring Brandon Howard, Dr. Julia Perederiy, PhD, & Destiny Gonzales with Co-Hosts Dr. Candice Carpenter and Emmy Dunsford-Hernandez



Howard B, Perederiy J, Gonzales D, Carpenter C, Dunsford-Hernandez E. Sonic solutions: Addressing chronic pain and stress through bioacoustics. HPHR. 2024;79. https://doi.org/10.54111/0001/AAAA3

The “Sonic Solutions: Addressing Chronic Pain and Stress Through Bioacoustics” webinar, held Wednesday, May 8, 2024, featured the Bioacoustics Lab (BAL), which explored the fascinating intersection of public health and bioacoustics. The BAL team discussed their digital therapeutics platform, which uses sound and vibrational frequencies to reduce stress and chronic pain for individuals, especially those in environments lacking social justice, thus improving health without systemic change. BAL is working to clinically validate the therapeutic efficacy of specific frequencies for specific indications.

Our Panelists

Brandon Howard

Brandon Howard has been exploring the intersection of “Music as Medicine” since gravitating to the art more than 30 years ago. When his back gave out (2 ruptured discs), he was surprised (as you may be now or in the near future) that sound gave him his path to healing.

Combined with a background in business economics from Brown University, experience at MTV, HBO, and S&P, Brandon has founded start-ups focused on bringing the healing power of music and the arts to make entertainment healthier and businesses more equitable. His primary focus at U4Ea is the clinical research underway with BioAcoustics Lab, an initiative to bring the healing power of sound and vibration to the healthcare space as a non-invasive, non-chemical compliment to amplify the healing of chronic conditions.

Dr. Julia Perederiy, PhD

Dr. Julia Perederiy, PhD is a Neuroscientist, Healthcare Business Strategist, and Entrepreneur with 15 years industry experience in Regenerative Biology, Drug Development, and Medical Foods. Focused on dynamic life-enabling elements found in nature – for example, microorganisms like algae and mushrooms – Julia is developing natural products and technologies that help the body heal itself. In addition, Julia is a musician and multi-instrumentalist who believes in the power of sound to positively affect biological systems. Now, Julia is working with BioAcoustics Lab to clinically validate sound and vibrational frequency-based therapeutics for chronic stress and pain. 

Destiny Gonzales

Destiny Gonzales (she/her) is a music cognition researcher passionate about the intersections of health equity, disability advocacy, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) education. She feels most fulfilled conducting mission-driven work with curious and compassionate collaborators. With BioAcoustics Lab, she aims to raise awareness about the healing power of sound and social connection for individual and collective well-being.

Our Co-Hosts

Dr. Candice Carpenter

Dr. Candice Carpenter is Co-Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Strategy Officer of The Boston Public Congress of Public Health, and also serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of HPHR Journal. She has been a UCLA Biodesign Fellow since Fall 2023.

Ms. Emmy Dunsford-Hernandez

Ms. Emmy Dunsford-Hernandez is the Biodesign Innovation Hub Coordinator at the UCLA Biodesign Fellowship, Director of Partnership and Ecosystem Development with SaludConTech, and Clinical Specialist for Veris Health Cancer Biotech.